Aural training and harmony
writ?ten — dicta?tion: mem?ory, har?monic, three-part, cor?rec?tion of errors in a musi?cal text, melody harmonising
书面 - 听写:旋律记忆,谐波,由三部分组成,音乐文本中的错误改正,协调
oral — singing at sight, recog?ni?tion of chord types and har?monic com?bi?na?tions, play?ing caden?zas, pro?gres?sions and modulations
- Math?e?mat?ics and physics — writ?ten and oral,
- 数学与物理 - 书面和口头
math?e?mat?ics — trigonom?e?try, func?tion prop?erty analy?sis and domain iden?ti?fi?ca?tion, equa?tions and inequal?i?ties, trigono?met?ric equa?tions, cal?cu?lus of prob?a?bil?ity, writ?ten – 3–4 problems
physics — phys?i?cal units, mechan?ics, optics, acoustics, elec?tric?ity, writ?ten — 2 to 3 problems
数学 - 三角,函数分析和域属性的识别,方程和不等式,三角函数方程,概率演算,写 - 3-4问题
?物理 - 物理单位,力学,光学,声学,电,写 - 2至3个问题
- Instru?ment
?pre?sen?ta?tion of pre?pared pro?gram (any three pieces, prefer?ably rep?re?sent?ing dif?fer?ent styles) on a cho?sen instru?ment